Perfect Infotech International Limited

Dealers in Fleet Management Systems and Information Technology.

About Us

Africa’s leading computerized Fleet Management solution, highest quality and most innovative fleet management, ICT and electronic security solutions provider.

Perfect Infotech International or PII LTD is a locally registered company with sister companies in Kenya, Uganda, Congo (DRC), Zambia, Malawi, and Rwanda.

PII Ltd works hand in hand with respective institute management to add value in daily operations through effective use of the IT technology.

With over 12 years in business, PII ltd is the leading service provider in reliable computerized fleet, fuel & generator management systems, having a database of more than 100 corporate clients who can testify on the value-added through effective use of our solutions.

Our Mission

To provide the highest quality and most innovative fleet, fuel, generator & asset ICT based solutions by thoroughly understanding our customers' needs.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be Africa's leading computerized Management ICT solution provider

Genuity with Average of Over10 Years Life Span

Bespoke Solution per client

Approved HSE Reports (Total, Vodacom Etc.)

Rich In Reports(accident, Fatigue, Utilization, Renewal Docs, etc.)

Hardware, Firmware & Management Solution Built under one roof

Did you Know?

With our advanced fleet management and car tracking solutions, you can reduce fuel costs by up to 20% through optimized route planning and monitoring? Stay ahead of maintenance needs, improve driver safety, and ehance overall fleet efficiency-all at your fingertipps.

Contact us

Why US?

For comprehensive fleet management solutios tailored to your needs, delivering efficiency, cost-effectiveness and unparalleled customer service.

  • We provide 24/7 support to our users
  • All your vehicles can be track on the palm of your hands
  • Our products are certified by UN for their use
  • We provide services all over the counrty
  • Guaranteed Data Security for your device
  • We have 12 years of experience in the market

Our Products

Discover our cutting edge lineup of products, featuring advanced GPS tracking devices.

Personal Tracker

This personal tracker is a compact, easily configurable GPS/GSM/GPRS tracking and monitoring device to promote personal security and safety. With exceptionally fast and accurate acquisition times, and a built-in logger, it provides watchers with the,

  • device's location
  • and continuous location tracking via a Web portal.

With a built-in SOS panic button, the Personal Tracker can send an emergency alert along with the user’s GPS coordinates to a specified contact via SMS or Web alerts.


These compact devices serve multiple purposes, starting with accident documentation. By capturing footage of road incidents, dashcams provide crucial evidence for determining fault and expediting insurance claims. Moreover, they play a pivotal role in monitoring driver behavior, including speeding and harsh driving maneuvers.

Dashcams also act as a deterrent against fraudulent claims by providing clear evidence of events leading up to accidents, thus reducing the risk of insurance fraud.

  • dashcams contribute to operational efficiency by integrating with fleet management systems.
  • Provide real-time monitoring of vehicle location and performance
  • A comprehensive solution for enhancing safety, reducing costs, and optimizing fleet management processes.

PII Premium

This device features an internal NB/CatM modem with 2G fallback and support for additional external modems for Iridium satellite network fallback option, WiFi or RF communication options.It includes an on-board CAN Bus J1939 transceiver and supports OBD II via external transceiver to provide a robust set of fleet management anddriver behavior events and alerts

  • Advanced fuel monitoring and alerts by analog/digital sensors and CAN Bus data
  • Multiple Driver ID options by iButton, keypad, and RFID
  • Fully integrated with cloud-based tracking and monitoring solution to provide real time vehicle status and driver behavior data.

It can log up to 400 days of messages based on an average 8-hour drive per day with tracking messages every 30 seconds.

PII Tracker

This device is designed to meet the needs of various mobile assets. Its wide voltage range ensures its stable operation in e-bike, motorcycles, cars, and trucks.

Small but compact, it's exceptionally reliable in providing the following features

  • ACC detection of the Ignition status.
  • Real-time tracking.
  • History Route playback.
  • Geo-fencing Map Customization.
  • Remote Immobilization Commands.
  • Trip Reports.

Fuel Log

FuelLog is an independent fuel management system to control private or internal fuel stations and tankers. With FuelLog, fleet managers can effectively track fuel dispensing and fuel consumption. Based on locally available vehicle and driver identification data, this computerized system controls the refueling of vehicles via GPRS, GSM, WiFi, or RF communications.

The FuelLog2 fuel management system offers two refueling scenarios based on the order of driver and vehicle identification. Available options include manually recording odometer, engine hour and project number. It is also possible to automatically record odometer and engine hour data using EDT’s SmartMile device. Additional options include fuel depot delivery and management


This is an integrated fuel level solution for generators, mobile fuel tanks, and stationary fuel tanks. SmartLog 4 - FLS delivers fuel level information directly to EDT’s WorldFleetLog Web-based management application for analysis and automatic alert and report generation.

Main Features:

  • High precision fuel measurement
  • Wide range of possible probe lengths, depending on probe model.
  • Easy to install the probe. No need to sink the probe into the tank before the calibration.

Our Services

Our comprehensive range of services includes the following

Gen Set

Provide the most efficient & competent fuel management system with records of accomplishment of controlling small to corporate size generator equipment

Standard Solution

Wide voltage range ensures its stable operation in e-bike, motorcycles, cars, and trucks.

Deluxe Solution

for public or private fleet Management applications where high performance and reliability are primary considerations

Premium Solution

For public, military, commercial and private sector applications that require robust performance includes fuel management.

Digital Video Recorder

Fit for use in commercial vehicles, as well as for stationary applications (school buses, taxis, trucks, police cars, fuel tankers, and any static application )

Delloitte Tanzania

our site remote operations have improved 90%. It is my behalf their system qualities make an outstanding performance…

Crown Motors

We would not hesitate to recommend PII LTD for such related services to you. For any queries do not hesitate to contact us

CMC Motors

We highly recommend PII LTD not only for their fine work but on their expertise on numerous projects they have successfully undertaken

Salute Finance

PII LTD Fleet Management Solutions have increased our leased asset security, productivity & performance

Toyota Uganda

We are confident about PII LTD’S capability to provide quality fleet management services

Frequently Asked Questions

The application is cloud based and can be hosted Locally within the country if need be. Currently we have our main servers in Israel and repeater severs in Latin America (Mexico) all running on Active mode

No, despite so many risks associated with the internet, our system is equipped with strong security measures to ensure neither customer data nor the application itself is vulnerable to attack. With the newly cyber security features implemented, the risk of Platform infiltration has been eliminated to such great deal. We also take keen precaution while installing the physical devices so that the devices are not easily within reach. Furthermore, all the intelligent devices supported by the platform has red wire alert that instantly signals the designated users should there be an intrusion.

Yes, the Platform has a special feature whereby all Map services can be disabled on specific group of vehicles. This means that both movements and locations cannot be traced at will. However, the Admin can opt to allow for mileage and other data utilization parameters to be logged specifically for data analysis such as KM/L, time utilization etc

The Systems/Platform has approvals from both the Bureau of stands as well as TCRA confirming that both the hardware and the transmission aspects are above board and conforms to the regulatory requirements. Furthermore, the systems are ISO certified.

The source code is our framework hence the foundation of our business, we provide our clients the platform to be able to work with and we train them on how to use it. For any development work that may be required, the client will consult and we will do the needful whenever possible in collaboration with our partners. Relinquishing the source code to a third party would only mean that we are out of business and therefore forgo our livelihood as well of the entire team of employees we support.

We have struck a partnership with system manufactures; hence we are almost like the reflection of manufacturers in this country. Even if manufacturer would want to do anything in this country, he will pass it through us. However some specialized trainings can be arranged especially to the supper users to be conducted in Israel. This has been done numerously when it comes to large and sensitive organizations such as the United Nations and other Government institutions such as the Police Departments operating the systems.

Our hardware devices have capabilities to store data through the cache memory within the device, and then transmitted via GPRS on availability of the cellular network. This only implies if we rely on one cellular company as a service provider. However, currently we have global Sim cards that knows No boundaries. In the absence of this, a satellite version of the systems are available and can be deployed to specific areas/locations of important concern.

The System we offer to the market is not a mere “Tracking System”. It is a comprehensive Computerized Fleet/Asset management system. Tracking therefore remains just a minute component of the application. It provides you with fully analyzeddata for immediate decision making, Dashboards with clear indicators pointing out the direction/action that you should be taken. The Platform has a capability of hosting all your vehicles/equipment’s, gensets, refuel stations, personal trackers, a comprehensive Repair/Service and maintenance database of which probably none of such Tracking systems can manage. The value added by such functionalities is immeasurable in comparison and that is what reputable organizations need in the present world.


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Contact us today to discuss how our tailored solutions can streamline your operations and drive your business forward

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P.O.BOX 105759 Dar-es-salaam - Tanzania


Mikocheni B, Rose garden road, Plot number 36A



+255 763 821 259

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